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News & Press

Annual Appeal Letter: Meet Noah

Dear Friends,

Noah was born with drugs in his system and spent his first 50 days and nights receiving intensive medical care in the NICU. As his condition improved, Jane, a loving

Resource Parent committed to helping youth in foster care, welcomed Noah into her safe and nurturing home. When

reunification with his biological family was not possible, Jane chose to adopt Noah and to facilitate a healthy relationship with Noah’s biological grandparents, as they wished to be part of Noah’s life. When the opportunity arose to foster Noah’s sister, Harmony, Aldea called upon Jane who eagerly said “yes!” to unite the siblings. That call from Aldea happened thanks to supporters like you. While Harmony had a similar tragic start to life as Noah, she is now thriving along with her brother. Harmony adores her older brother, giggling when he enters a room, and Noah dotes on his little sister every day; their connection is undeniable and while children in foster care are not always able to be with their siblings, Jane’s devoted spirit made this possible. Jane remains committed to maintaining relationships with the children’s extended biological family; just last month they supported Jane to also adopt Harmony! Noah and Harmony have found their forever family, made possible by Jane’s loving and willing heart, the tireless work of Aldea’s committed staff, and the generosity of our supporters.

But our work isn't done, as children and families in our community await our support on their journey to hope and healing.

That is why we are reaching out to you now. Together, we can make a critical difference in the lives of children in foster care and in the recovery of those struggling with mental health issues and addiction. Your support makes more than a meaningful difference – it helps people transform their entire future. Your contributions make essential services such as therapy, counseling, and resources available to those in need. With your donation, Aldea’s social workers, therapists, and counselors offer a lifeline to children and families feeling isolated and overwhelmed as they face their greatest challenges.

Donate: Your financial support will directly impact the lives of individuals and children in need. Every dollar counts, and your contribution makes a significant difference.QR Code

  • Scan the QR code to donate online
  • Visit to donate online Mail your contribution to the address:
  • Aldea P.O. Box 841 Napa, CA 94559

Spread the Word: Share our cause with your friends, family, and colleagues.

Volunteer: Consider giving your time and skills to support our organization’s efforts. Your expertise and dedication can help us expand our programs and make a lasting impact. Whether becoming a foster parent, volunteering at events, or helping with projects, your efforts and willingness means the world to us.

Advocate: Be a voice for those who need it most. Advocate for improved mental health services and foster care systems in your community.

Your generosity and commitment can make all the difference.

As an Aldea Champion of Change, you DO make all the difference.

Thank you for being a part of our mission to positively impact the lives of those who need it. Together, we can create a community that supports and uplifts everyone.

With Gratitude,

Kerry Ahearn, LCSW, CEO

Kerry Ahearn, LCSW, CEO

P.S. Thank you for using your own envelope and reducing Aldea’s costs!